Community Outreach for Businesses

7 Effective Community Outreach Strategies for Businesses

Attend Local Events

Community outreach is an essential tactic for small businesses. The people who live in that community are the most likely ones to buy the products that the company sells or take advantage of the services it offers.

However, not all companies take advantage of this easy opportunity for increasing business. If you are a business owner who wants to engage with your community and don’t know where to begin, we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn about how you can engage with your community.


1. Attend Local Events

There is a good chance your community holds events periodically throughout the year. Every one of these events presents an opportunity for you to get involved and let potential customers know about your business. Contact your local Chamber of Commerce and find out how to secure a spot. Whether it’s a community festival, parade or some other event, you can increase brand awareness and easily encourage community members to come to your business.

Volunteer at Local Charities


2. Volunteer at Local Charities

Volunteering with a local charity has tremendous benefits for a business. Volunteering with a local charity shows the community that you are more than a business. It shows that you are a human who cares about the needs of others and happens to own a local business. Volunteering as a dual effect. You will help people in need while also helping to increase your business. It’s a win-win situation.

Work With Other Business Owners


3. Work With Other Business Owners

A community is made up of many businesses, and some of these businesses are perfect for partnering with. When you create an alliance with another business, both of you benefit. You can cross-promote and have dual-sponsored events that are open to customers of each business. Partnering with another business automatically increases your community outreach and opens your potential for new customers to people who might not have been reached through other means.



4. Sponsorships

Sponsoring a local team or organization can bring an incredible amount of exposure to your business, making it an excellent community outreach technique. Think about the number of potential customers you can reach by sponsoring a local youth sports team. With your company’s name decorating their kids’ uniforms, every parent will have a constant reminder of you, as will every spectator in the stands. Also, parents who are appreciative of your willingness to sponsor a team so their kids can play will be sure to become frequent customers of your business.

Hold Public Events at Your Location


5. Hold Public Events at Your Location

Consider hosting an event that is open to the public at some time when your business is not open. You may as well make use of your space during non-business hours and inviting the public to an event is the perfect solution. Invite a speaker from your industry to give an informational talk, so the community members can learn more about your business.

Another option is to host a networking event that people in the area can attend and get to know others in their industries. You can even just host a community-wide party where people can come and socialize with their neighbors. Anything you can do to bring people together will put you in a great light and increase your community outreach.

Create a Loyalty Program


6. Create a Loyalty Program

A loyalty program will reward your most frequent customers, who are most likely the people who live and work in your community. The type of loyalty program you create may be dictated by the type of business you operate. But, some examples include VIP pricing, discounts, special promotions and exclusive giveaways. You will quickly find that people who are members of your loyalty program will take advantage of whatever you have to offer. You will also attract new customers who also want to take part with your community outreach.

Create a Pop-Up Store


7. Create a Pop-Up Store

Sometimes the best way to conduct community outreach is to go out into the community instead of waiting for the community to come to you. Pop-ups are all the rage these days, and your business can be improved by getting on the bandwagon. Although it may take a bit of capital to get your pop-up up and running, you will quickly earn back any of your costs.

All you need to do is turn any moving vehicle into a mobile store. Then, fill it with some of your best-selling items and hit the road. Before you know it, customers will be swarming around your pop-up, your business will be booming more than ever and the community will start looking forward to your pop-up’s arrival.

Boost Your Business’ Community Outreach

Community Outreach will help any business, and it does not need to take a lot of effort. If you want to increase your business’ presence in your community, try one of these suggestions today. You will not regret it.

Do you need more ideas on how to do community outreach? Check out this event GravyWork participated in last fall!